How To Gain Control Over Your Money

Control your money so it doesn’t control you

Marc Guberti
3 min readJan 5, 2021
Photo by the author on Canva

Gaining control over your money is one of the most important skills you can acquire. This skill will allow you to live a life of bliss where money is a path to additional choices rather than a crux designed to slow you down.

You spend it rarely but on the things that matter rather than get caught up with consumerism and quickly spend the money you make.

Gaining control starts with assessing your current financial situation. How much money do you make and how much do you spend? What do you do with the leftover money?

If you track your monthly income and expenses on a spreadsheet, you’ll start to notice patterns. These patterns can help you anticipate months where you’ll spend a little extra and any expenses you can cut off the list.

Each dollar you spend on something is a dollar you can’t spend on anything else. If you spend $15 on an Uber ride, that’s $15 you can’t spend in any other way. You can’t invest that money or use it to pay for your property.

Each time you spend money, get more conscious and ask yourself if the opportunity cost is worth it. The main reason most people end up in debt or not with enough money is because they are unconscious about their money habits and…



Marc Guberti
Marc Guberti

Written by Marc Guberti

Personal finance freelance writer -- I write articles for clients on finance, digital marketing, and other topics

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